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Minggu, 17 April 2011

Christ The Lord–Out of Egypt

Christ The Lord–Out of Egypt
By: Anne Rice
I WAS SEVEN YEARS OLD. What do you know when you’re seven years old? All my life, or so I thought, we’d been in the city of Alexandria, in the Street of the Carpenters, with the other Galileans, and sooner or later we were going home. Late afternoon. We were playing, my gang against his, and when he ran at me again, bully that he was, bigger than me, and catching me off balance, I felt the power go out of me as I shouted: “You’ll never get where you’re going.” He fell down white in the sandy earth, and they all crowded around him. The sun was hot and my chest was heaving as I looked at him. He was so limp. In the snap of two fingers everyone drew back. It seemed the whole street went quiet except for the carpenters’ hammers. I’d never heard such a quiet. “He’s dead!” Little Joses said. And then they all took it up. “He’s dead, he’s dead, he’s dead.” I knew it was true. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf 

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