If personal finance is so important, how come so many people pay so little attention to it? The biggest reason, we think, is because they’re intimidated. Why? Because they’re not taking their finances personally enough. Your personal finances are all about you, not the guy you work with, not your mom and dad, and not that nosy neighbor on the third floor of your apartment building. They’re not about the stock market, capital gains, or compounding interest either. Although those things all factor into your personal finances, they are not the essence. Personal finance is attitude and mindset. It’s being able to look down the road and sacrifice a bit now for big returns later. It’s knowing when to go for the new car and when to buy a used one. It’s a matter of knowing how to make the right choices and doing just that. To know how to make those choices, you need some financial education, and that’s what you’ll find in this book. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
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