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Minggu, 24 April 2011

With Napoleon at Waterloo

With Napoleon at Waterloo

By: Edward Bruce Low, M.A.

The manuscripts which make up the present volume are of unique interest and importance. The Journal of Jardin Aine, Napoleon’s Equerry at Waterloo, here translated and published for the first time, was in the library of the late Sir Thomas Phillips, the great collector of manuscripts. On the sale of the library at his death it passed into private hands, and so has escaped notice up to the present. It, and the account of another Waterloo eye-witness which follows, make an interesting chapter in the history of the great battle which altered the fate of the world more than any struggle of modern times has done, indeed, perhaps more than has been done by any battle since the world began. Next in importance are the extracts from the journal of Daniel Nicol, a soldier of the Gordon Highlanders, who gives an account of the doings of a company of his regiment which was left behind in Spain and served under Wellesley at the Passage of the Douro and at the battle of Talavera. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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