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Sabtu, 16 April 2011

Benjamin Franklin–Inventing America

Benjamin Franklin–Inventing America

By: Edwin S. Gaustad

Among Benjamin Franklin’s many talents was his gift for satire: making fun of the noble and the mighty, of the proud and pretentious, and on occasion even of the British Empire itself. But those who live by the satirical sword may die by it as well. In American literature, the only real competitor to Franklin in boundless, bubbling humor is Mark Twain. Both men had a built-in funny bone, so to speak, and for both no subject was too sacred, too solemn, to escape the bite of satire. Among the many subjects that Twain enjoyed making fun of was none other than Franklin himself. Pretending to have been raised by a father who had read Franklin’s Autobiography and to have been fatally infected by it, Twain bitterly complained, in a brief sketch from 1890 called “The Late Benjamin Franklin,” that his boyhood had been ruined by having the model of Franklin held up to him day after day. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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