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Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Cool Careers for Dummies

Cool Careers for Dummies 

By: Marty Nemko, Ph.D. 

Anumber of years ago, I heard about a little-known career called child life specialist. When children must go to the hospital for an extended stay, they’re assigned a child life specialist to help them adapt to living without their parents. When I told a client about this career, something happened that had rarely occurred with previous clients: her eyes lit up. That helped me realize what people most want from career counseling: new options. So, I started collecting cool careers. Every time I heard of an interesting career, I added it to the list. I included unusual careers as well as neat niches within the popular careers. One example: lawyers who specialize in outer space issues. Plus, I included low-risk/high-payoff ideas for self-employment. After a few years, my list contained more than 500 careers. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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