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Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

Theory of Economic Growth

Theory of Economic Growth

By: Michio Morishima

IN THIS book we are concerned with the theory of economic growth as a branch of economic dynamics. We abstain from discussing practical problems, such as programmes for advancement of underdeveloped countries, the growth race between capitalist and socialist countries, the Ikeda-Shimomura programme for doubling income, and so on. Instead, our interest is confined to developing a dynamic theory from the formal theory of general equilibrium. Leon Walras, the sun of one of the planetary systems in the universe of economics, developed a general equilibrium model of capital formation and credit, after he had explored models of exchange and production. But he was primarily concerned with momentary equilibrium to be established in a system with given stocks of capital goods that are shared among a given number of individuals. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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